My Voice

Neck Exercises to Deepen the Voice

Stretching and practicing neck exercises can strengthen the neck and deepen the voice by reducing tensions that are placed on your vocal cords. By relieving some of the pressure on your voice box, you can achieve a lower pitch and improved vocal resonance.



Special note: all neck exercises should be performed slowly and with caution. If you feel any amount of pain – stop. Consult with your physician if you have a history of back or neck problems.

Neck Stretching Exercise

A simple exercise to stretch out the neck involves targeting the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This is a muscle positioned behind your ear, past your throat, and attached to your collarbone. A sternocleidomastoid muscle under high tension can place stress on the throat and vocal cords. This can cause the sensation of having a sore throat and restrict the amount of air that flows through your windpipes, which can make you voice sound higher.



Fortunately, regular stretching can loosen this tension and deepen the voice. To perform the neck stretching exercise:

  • Slowly turn your head to the left. Try to align your chin with your shoulder.
  • Hold this position for a count of 10 seconds
  • You can increase this stretch by placing your left hand outside your chin and applying a very gentle pressure
  • Relax and repeat the stretch on the right side

Neck Exercise – Isometric Front and Back

  • Begin by placing your hands flat on your forehead
  • Firmly, push your forehead against your hands, using your neck muscles to resist this force. The goal of this exercise is to not allow your forehead to move forward or backward and maintain a constant level of tension on your neck muscles
  • Continue pushing for a 10 second count and relax
  • Repeat this exercise, only switch to the backside and push from the rear part of your head. It helps to first clasp your hands together behind your head
  • Perform 3 sets of neck exercises for the front and 3 sets for the back.

Neck Exercise – Isometric Sides

  • Begin by placing your right hand against the side of your head.
  • Push firmly against your right hand, using your neck muscles to resist this force. The goal of this exercise is to not allow your head to move and maintain a constant level of tension on your neck muscles.
  • Continue pushing and hold for a count of 10 seconds, then relax
  • Repeat this exercise, only switch to the left side
  • Perform 3 sets of this exercise on the right side, and 3 sets on the left side.

Neck Exercise – Shoulder Shrugs

  • Hold a comfortable amount of free weights; you’re going to be using the free weights as dead weight.
  • Keep your chin up, looking straight ahead and your chest up
  • Lift your shoulders up in a shrugging motion, flexing the upper trapezius muscle
  • Relax your trapezius muscles and allow your shoulders to return to a resting position
  • Repeat this motion for 10 repetitions
  • Complete 3 sets of this exercise.

Check out the video below for additional detailed instructions.

Neck Exercise – Military Press

  • Hold a comfortable amount of free weights or with a bar. This exercise works the deltoids and neck
  • With your back straight, hold the weights with an overhand grip
  • Bring the weight down to approximately chest level, inhaling as you bring the weights down
  • Lift the weight up, exhaling as you lift the weights up
  • Repeat this motion for 10 repetitions
  • Complete 3 sets of this exercise

Watch the video below for additional detailed instructions