My Voice

The Five Components of Vocal Production Every Singer Should Know

The human voice is a very complex instrument. Since you can’t hear what your own voice sounds like you need to have a teacher that has a really good ear for picking up the different sounds that your voice is making. Knowing the components of vocal production makes it easier for the student to understand how to use their voice to the best of their ability. The main topic of this article will be what the voice is made of on a physical level, what the different variables of the voice are, and how to manipulate these variables to produce the best possible sound.  If you want to be able to record and produce your own musical production, the this information is the best place to start.


The physical attributes in your voice are the muscles in your larynx. You also need to consider your tongue, teeth, and lips. It is important to understand though that while the physical parts of anatomy listed interact to form your voice, you voice is still produced using your entire body to produce a nice singing sound. When you take voice lessons your coach should teach how to use each and every one of these components by practicing different exercises.

The actual muscle part of your voice is your vocal cords. The vocal cords are covered in a layer of mucus that looks almost like jello. You need to bring these cords together in order to produce any kind of sound. If you don’t bring these cords together close enough you won’t be able to produce the right sounds. Your throat muscles also can’t be interfering with the constriction of your vocal cords. If this happens you need to start drinking more water so that you stop having this problem; you should drink at least eight glasses of water per day to properly lubricate your vocal instrument.


You also need to have air to produce sound. Having the right amount air intake will make all the difference in your singing voice. If you are not taking in enough air you will produce a weak sound, which means that you will have to work harder to make your singing voice strong and clear. Without having enough air you will also wear out your voice a lot faster. Learning how to take a deep breath might be challenging for some. You have to learn how to relax your muscles so that you are able to expand more of the lung area. It’s not about taking more air in, it’s about learning how to control the air that has already been brought into your body.

Another major component to your voice is space. You need to be able to have space in your throat for your larynx to work properly and to the best of its ability. You need to learn how to relax your throat muscles so that there is no tension or constriction pushing on your larynx.

If you work on everything that was discussed above you will be on your way to have a rich and healthy voice. Teaching your voice to do what you want it to do is going to be a very slow process. Eventually you will be able to do these things naturally, but in total transparency, it will likely take you a very long time and a lot of dedication to reach this goal.  Be sure to record your musical talents on the best music laptop, so that you can edit, mix, and maybe even add a video to your music production.